Chloe Charles – lead vocals, guitar
Mackenzie Longpre – drums
Kelly Lefaive – violin
Mariel Gonzalez – Cello
Neil Whitford – electric guitar and effects
Adam Jenkins – bass
My mom (closet songwriter), Nina Simone, Bjork, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush
Your sound in your own words:
We’re going with Indie Soul Pop. Really I am inspired by anything I like, mix it all together in my head and with my amazing band turn it into something a little different. My vocals are very soulful backed by a mixture of pop, folk, soul, and whatever spice you can throw in there. I range from heavy and dark to light and silly. I try to keep it as colourful as possible
Most memorable show and why:
I’d have to say that would the release of my EP, Little Green Bud nearly 2 years ago. It was my first release and I was so warmed to see a packed house at the Rivoli. My family was so proud of me and I was on a complete high, ecstatic to have finally birthed my work. Surrounded by my band, all people who have become best friends, it felt like the perfect beginning to my career as a musician.
What was your experience like at NXNE 2012 and why do you think festivals of this nature are important in the current musical environment?:
This year was one of the best. Festivals like this are wonderful but can be difficult at times if you don’t have the right team behind you to promote you. There are hundreds of bands with overlapping show schedules so it is easy to be missed within the chaos. This has been my third NXNE and each time it is more beneficial. It is important for artists to see other bands for inspiration, and perhaps to spawn new ideas on how to promote such a show. It is a great opportunity to gain new fans and supporters and mingle with industry and artists. For me, the most important part of these festivals is the connections you make. Everyone comes from all over and this allows you to network and develop relationships with bookers, labels, and most importantly your peers, other artists in the scene. Although some of these relationships take time to develop and the benefits may come later, it is a stepping stone for your career and a way to get your face and sound out there.
What is next:
While in Toronto, I am getting ready for my album release here in Canada at the end of September as well as a release in Germany, Switzerland and Austria come October.
However in the interim, I have a few special shows coming up. In Toronto I will be playing the Soundclash Competition held at the Harbourfront Centre, Redpath Stage. 6 artists from the GTA were nominated because of their genre-breaking nature, all of which are wonderful in their own right. It will be a chance share the stage with bands who I have a lot of respect for.
Then in July, I will be playing the Beaches Jazz Festival, main stage on July 22nd.
As well, in Ottawa I will be competing in the She’s The One showcase, this time 6 female artists from Canada competing for a slot at the Ottawa Blues Festival.
Between these bigger shows, I am playing Hamilton, London, Oakville and Wakefield.
Listen to more:
Song from EP, Little Green Bud. Official video
Live rehearsal at my place