Patrick Marshall on vocals and guitar, Ted Evans on bass and background vocals, Jeebs Simpson on lead guitar and Joe Pelow on drums.
We draw from a lot of classic rock elements and try and fuse them with the various modern music that we’re all into. So of course we’re into Zeppelin and the Who but you’ll hear White stripes, Muse, or even Priestess influences come out in our songs.
Your sound in your own words:
Rock and roll! We have high vocals, guitar solos, pounding drums, and ripping bass lines. We try and write songs that flow the way they should and every band member is involved in the songwriting process, so our different influences really shine.
Most memorable show and why:
Our debut album “Hold On” release show. Everything about it was just perfect! We had all of our friends and family there, and we knew the bands who played with us on a personal level. So many people showed up just to see what was going on and everyone was so into it. The night couldn’t have gone any better.
What was your experience like at NXNE 2012 and why do you think festivals of this nature are important in the current musical environment?:
We had an amazing time at NxNE! We aren’t used to getting set up in a hotel on top of getting paid. These festivals can overlook smaller acts sometimes, but we were put in with some great bands and it made for a wicked night. It’s great when smaller bands can play at big festivals like NxNE and get the exposure that comes from it. These days festivals are one of the best ways to make new fans.
What is next:
We’ve learned a lot about where we want to go musically over the last little while so we’ll be writing and recording our next album. Ideally it’ll go platinum and we’ll tour forever but more likely we’ll keep playing shows and making fans.
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Photo credit: Vicky Kao via Plastic Canon
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