By Lindzrox

Marlon from Velvet Code
To listen to two of their tracks tune into Alternavox Radio scalphunters the movie
Velvet Code is more than just a band, it’s a feeling, an energy wrapped up in an electro synth-rock candy wrapper. A perfect blend of retro beats with the relevance of today and the tenacity of tomorrow. Their songs may pop, but after a successful tour with Mindless Self Indulgence (MSI) and a growing army of fans, these pop stars are about to go boom! Lindzrox caught up with homegrown Toronto-turned NYC boy, frontman Marlon Wurmitzer to try and decipher the Velvet Code.

Album: Black.Blue.Blind
Let’s start at the beginning. How did Velvet Code start?
That’s a loaded question. My music career and Velvet Code started as two separate entities that formed into one. You see, the Velvet Code has been experienced by thousands for hundreds of years…a reaction to emotion. What does that mean? We’re all exploring it through experience, but for me personally, I believe that our emotions can be dealt with through our own ability to react properly. In English…do what you want, say what you want, be who you are, and believe in yourself. That’s what Velvet Code is.
My music career started to form when I came to New York four years ago. I met a songwriter named Wendy Starland and wrote “Say You Love Me” with her. I then found Ryan on Myspace and began to form the band. We went through some crazy musicians including a keyboard player who faked a British accent for some reason…what a moron! He’s probably still hiding out somewhere, in some country, ripping someone off. Good riddance!
How would you describe your sound?
I’d call it Electro-synth rock, but some call it pop. Sounds good to me either way. I like to think we bring the 90s back with a twist of today.
Who are your influences?
Personally, I listen to pop music like Madonna, Britney, Lady GaGa, but they’re not my musical influences. Melodically maybe, but musically, I worship Freddie Mercury, Coldplay, The Killers and Mindless Self Indulgence. All unique and innovators, doing what they want and just being themselves.
Tell me a little bit about your debut album: Black.Blue.Blind and working with producer Mark Saunders?
Mark Saunders is the “golden ears” and “king” of mixing synth music. I couldn’t have chosen a better producer to work with on this album. I’ve worked with countless producers who were all hype and no pizazz, really deadbeats that talked a good game. Mark is a gem, and I’d work with him again in a minute.
Black.Blue.Blind. divx get smart is a collection of songs about experiences that I’ve lived through over the past few years. “I’ll Follow You” was the first song I ever wrote, while “I Never Wanna Feel” was a last-minute addition to the album. The big fan favorite so far is “Say You Love Me” though. We’re stoked to have already won an award for that song (Independent Music Awards ‘Song of the Year’ in the Electronic Category) and we are very grateful for that.
How was the tour you were just on with Mindless Self Indulgence?
The tour was amazing. Absolutely, hands down, the best experience of my entire life. I didn’t know what to expect, playing for MSI fans who are ready and willing to rip you apart if you don’t bring it. I think we brought it! The highlight of each evening of course, was to see the sea of screaming fans when I held up a bracelet to pass on to a fan. And then to sign it when they came to the merch table to have me sign it, that was even more amazing…
What was the best road story? download restraint dvd
The show in Toronto, for sure. To perform for my family. They had never seen me perform before, and neither had my friends Matt and Ori. That was the biggest thrill of the tour for sure. Oh that, and watching our tech Paulie get slapped in the face for two bucks at the merch booth!
Tell me about the name Velvet Code? Does it mean something specific?
Well as I said above, it’s a feeling. It’s also a reaction to a feeling. More will be revealed.
What is next for Velvet Code?
Hopefully to go back on tour. It’s the way we want to live. To meet fans around the world and connect with them in person. Ryan told me that a long time ago, and I finally believed it to be true. It was the most amazing experience of my life!
For more info on Velvet Code:
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I think everybody expects this star to create more succesfull songs.
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