Girl Talk

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photo-for-girl-talk-yasmeen-finjanGirl Talk
By Yasmeen Finjan

High school can be a very lonely place. Some kids are trying to fit in while others are trying to stand out. One thing is for certain, we all want to feel like a part of something. Whether it is feeling welcomed in a new environment or taking part in something that will make a difference in our community, we all wish to touch the lives of those who are a part of ours.

Being a girl, it often feels like a breath of fresh air to find a group of girls who are not only friendly, but also very open. The group that I am referring to is Girl Talk. Laura Hobbs who works with Delisle Youth Services is a youth counselor at my school and runs Girl Talk. With the help of the United Way, Girl Talk is now in its second year.

Every Tuesdays at lunch, five to ten of us (depending on who is able) get together in the Delisle room.  We sit around a table, munching on fruit and talk about life, the problems that come along with life, as well as different experiences and reflections of the past week. This group is a big outlet for me when I need someone to listen, or a shoulder to lean on. When I have something on my mind or need advice, I know I can always turn to the ladies at Girl Talk. Their responses are always real and they never beat around the bush. It makes me sad that I only found out about this group in my last year. This program should be offered at every school.

It is also a relief that most of the girls in the group are in their 12th year, like I am. I find it much easier to make friends and feel more comfortable confiding in people when you have something in common, whether it’s age, gender or life experiences.

I first met Laura Hobbs last year when I wasn’t living at home and I needed help. I needed a job, some food and someone to talk to and my marketing teacher at the time referred me to her. She has been a great source of advice and is very easy to talk to.

When I used to think of school counselors, I always pictured an old man wearing glasses at the end of his nose with a smug face judging before a word was uttered. I am sure that type of counselor is out there, somewhere, but I am glad he isn’t mine. Even when I was not attending school, I would sometimes walk to school and sit and talk with her. It was nice being able to converse with an adult who treated me like a human being rather then some silly angst ridden kid with a chip on her shoulder.

Even when it isn’t Girl Talk day, there are always people in the Delisle room with Laura. She is great company when I would otherwise be sitting in the hall eating lunch by myself. Because of her I feel a lot less lonely while I’m at school. After three years of being at Vaughan and with people leaving constantly, I still feel like I barely know anyone. But that is mostly my fault because I am pretty anti-social and easily irritable.

During last week’s session, we had a sexual health specialist come in to talk with us and answer our questions. This was extremely informative because nothing was off limits. I had lots of questions, as most people would. Being a teenage girl can be quite complicated and always confusing. A lot of us still feel like we are in the dark when it comes to sex.  For many of us, this topic of conversation is not discussed at home and when it is, questions are always answered with questions, leaving us feel not only confused but ashamed.

We are also planning to get involved with the Delisle Youth Gallery, an art gallery that showcases the works of youth. It builds the self-esteem of those who get their artwork hung up for all to see. I imagine it being quite a rewarding feeling. We are going to take an old table in the Delisle room and add our own artistic creations to it – a mural on a table top. I love art, whether it’s drawing, painting or even making things glittery. Being a part of such a group effort is very exciting. I am finally getting a positive experience out of high school. Probably the only thing I will be able to reflect on years down the road and smile about.

I can truthfully say that going to Girl Talk is the one thing at school that I look forward to most throughout the week. The rest of the week is usually slow and although I spend most of my lunch breaks with Laura, there are usually guys there and people doing other things so it isn’t the same. Sometimes she has to go do other things like the Boys Book Club in the library or go to her main office outside the school.

I consider Laura Hobbs a friend and mentor and I am truly grateful to have her as a part of my life. Everyone should have someone like her in their lives and it makes me sad that there often isn’t. Being a counselor requires a lot of love and patience as well as experience and connections to many of the problems that we face.  For example, someone would not become a drug counselor unless they personally faced addiction or had someone in their lives affected by it. People would not be able to confide in someone who hasn’t walked in their shoes.

I hope that when I move on, wherever that may be, I can always come back and visit her. I hope that she, as well as other counselors like her, know how they touch the lives of others in such an amazing way. I recommend anyone who has this program in their school to start going right away, especially if you have not been active in school activities. It can bring love and interest into high school, something that I’ve never felt before because I was a social outcast and opted out of participating in school activities. There are people out there that want to listen to you.

This group and all the experiences that have come along with it have inspired me to look into a career as a social worker or assisting people through my writing. I want to help people, especially youth. No one should feel alone through such a difficult and confusing time that is teenage hood.


  1. Patricia says:

    Loved your story, you truly are inspiring

  2. Sofia says:

    It’s refreshing to read such honesty. Your real-life experiences are what will mold you into an awesome social worker. Great article!

  3. talal says:

    nice article Yaz, keep up the good work :)

  4. Laura says:

    This is so well written- you brought a tear to my eye!
    Thank you for such positive feedback!

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