Cord Blood: Your Baby Could Save Your Life

In the womb, nutrition is delivered to the baby through the umbilical cord. These nutrients are delivered via blood from the placenta; mother to child “Cord Blood.” Included in these nutrient-transportation systems are “Stem Cells” or “Master Cells.” These are cells that can differentiate or develop into any tissue or organ in the body i.e, muscle, blood cells, immune tissue, neural cells, (organs,) heart, lungs, skin. They are literally the body’s building blocks.

Stem cells are toted for being able to repair damage, brains, spinal cords, hearts and heal patients who have suffered strokes. It is also being used as a potential cure in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and diabetes. Stem cells collected from your baby’s umbilical cord after birth can be used to protect him or her, the baby’s siblings, parents, grandparents and typically extended family.

Umbilical cord blood is frozen to retain its uses and protect it from aging and damage. Unlike embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord stem cells are free from serious ethical controversy. A third type of stem cell is the adult stem cells which are found in the bone marrow; these are less desirable as treatment options because they involve a high risk to the donor during harvesting, they are also less suitable for family members and treatment option are less optimistic.

The method most commonly used in clinical practice is the “closed technique”, which is similar to standard blood collection techniques. With this method, the technician cannulates the vein of the severed umbilical cord using a needle that is connected to a blood bag, and cord blood flows through the needle into the bag. On average, the closed technique enables collection of about 75 ml of cord blood.(Handbook of Pediatric Transfusion Medicine -2004)

Several Hospitals and Clinics have links to facilities where “cord blood can be stored for a monthly fee until it is ready for uses. Once you have decided to bank your baby’s “cord blood” make sure that the institution has the relevant accreditation from over arching and legitimate medical associations as well as governmental (Health Dept) endorsements.

Click for links to conditions Currently being Treated with Stem Cells. Offers Cord Blood Banking in Canada & is in Partnership with The Scarborough Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, Health Canada Registration Number & FDA Registration Number.

About AuthorKhamal Murray is a major in Bioethics & Heath Studies at the University of Toronto and a blogger/writer with and a special contributor with Alternavox Magazine

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