The Muppets are Communists According to Fox News

The host of “Follow the money” for the Fox Business Channel, Eric Bolling did an amusing McCarthy and said that movie screens are part of The Muppets campaign to turn public opinion in the country to the left and to impose a public opinion that goes against the oil industry.

In the film, Kermit, Miss Piggy and the rest of the characters, fight one oilman who wants to destroy their theater. According to another  journalist on the panel,  Dan Gainor, the tape shows “how far the left will go with their children manipulators, convincing, and pushing an anti corporate message.”

Bolling going further added, the film industry “has been doing this for decades,” citing examples such as movies Syriana and Cars.

“Of all the films that attack the oil industry, none have any discussion about the positive aspects of oil: fuel to light a hospital, heat their homes.”

The video below shows the surreal exchange. We apologize forehand if your intelligence is insulted in the process. I assume the only Muppet in agreement with this would be Sam the  Eagle…


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