Second Hand News

by Allison Hall

As (hopefully) most of you know, April is Earth Month. A time when many of us examine the ways in which we can protect our natural resources, conserve energy and generally make our planet a friendlier place. What you may not realize is how reducing, reusing and recycling plays a pivotal role in the fashion world as well. I’m talking vintage clothing folks! Not only is shopping for vintage fun, but it’s also good for the environment and here in Toronto we have some fantastic places to help do our part.

Kensington Market is full of shops containing second hand clothing as well as items made by local designers that use vintage materials to create beautiful and unique pieces. If you’re looking for accessories, you won’t be disappointed. Boots, bags, necklaces, scarves…I promise you’ll find something.

Queen Street West from about Roncesvalles Avenue to Bathurst Street is also another route that I suggest you take. On the Parkdale end of the spectrum peppered in amongst the antique shops, you’ll find vintage shops popping up all over the place. And once you’re there, take a detour up Ossington Avenue, you might be surprised to find some really great boutiques there.

If you’re feeling adventurous, there’s always Value Village. Yes I know that the stores are huge, but remember that the racks are well labeled and in a store that big there’s no chance that you’re going home empty handed. If you’re willing to dig, you will strike gold!

If vintage stores just aren’t your thing, maybe the smell (not true of all shops) bothers you, or maybe you prefer more modern items, you should consider clothing swaps. At most swaps you bring a bag of used clothing and you get to fill up another with whatever you can cram into it. You’ll get rid of articles that you don’t wear anymore and have a lot of fun socializing while you do it. Often there is a small fee to participate which is donated to whatever charity the swap is supporting. Try looking them up on the internet and if you can’t find one in your area, organize a swap with your friends.

We also have the springtime edition of The Clothing Show coming up the first weekend in May where you can always find great vintage gems as well as up and coming designers, many of whom use eco-friendly dreamcatcher movie download new rose hotel dvdrip


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  1. Devona Hall says:

    Hi Al,

    Great article, I will share it with my friends. Very proud of you!!!! I didn’t know it all started in my closet…I thought it started in my make-up bag!

    Super job…



  2. Holly says:

    As a life long lover of the vintage I couldn’t agree more.
    Fab article

  3. Karen P says:

    Loved the article and the concept of connecting clothing with the environment. I know for a fact this writer has great shoes (and many as all women should have) and look forward to reading future fashion articles written by Allison.

  4. Cathy H says:

    Greast article, I will share this and the website with my teenage daughter and her friends. Already big fans of Queen St & Kensington Market, they love vintage clothing and are very concerned about the environment. Every month should be Earth Month.
    Will look forward to more articles from you………..

  5. Ann Moffatt says:

    Allison, I always knew you were a Fashonista but I never knew that you had journalistic skills. The article was well written and informative. I will look forward to reading you in Vogue and Harpers in the near future.

    Ciao, Bella

  6. Janie M says:

    Loved your article Allison! Of course, fashion is important to me, and the article was written in a style that was both informative and easy to read. I look forward to reading your views on other fashion topics.

  7. Ann Morton says:

    Wow Allison-what a great surprise! You certainly write well and I know that you are an expert on fashion. I’d like to think that it was our kindergarten dress-up house centre that really got you into re-cycling clothes and even maybe all those Earth Day projects that you got involved in also influenced your “green” choices!
    Doesn’t this sound like a teacher!
    Congrats! Look forward to more articles!

  8. Cathy-Lou says:

    Allison, I had no idea your talents extended to journalism. I enjoyed reading your article. I wonder why your mom never knewthat you were rummaging around her closet? I look forward to reading more articles. Good luck.

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