Just Another Manic Monday?

By Allison Hallmakeup

The theme of this month’s issue is the city and as a city girl, I like many others often find myself traveling about Toronto using public transportation. While heading to work on the subway in the morning I see a lot of things…some make me laugh and others just confuse me. Something that I’ve noticed a lot of lately is women applying their makeup while riding the subway. Believe me, I understand what it’s like to be running late and just not have enough time to pull myself together before heading out the door, but this occurrence captures my attention for several reasons.

Now before you assume that this article is going to turn into a rant, please make note of the fact that I have a background in makeup artistry, so I would like to think that I have some sort of authority or at least credibility when it comes to this topic.

The main reason that I have decided to discuss applying makeup while riding public transportation, is because of the most recent time that I have barred witness to this. I encountered a woman applying liquid foundation to her face and felt that it was absolutely necessary to take action and do my best to raise awareness about why this was such a bad idea. My first concern was that she was using unclean fingers to apply her makeup. I mean let’s face it; no one’s hands are clean after touching hand rails, opening and closing doors and reading the Metro. My second concern was that as a result of her dirty hands, she was contaminating her bottle of foundation…and I bet you thought that my second concern would be that she was doing this without a mirror!

Applying liquid foundation with your hands is actually a really effective way of blending the makeup into your skin. Your body temperature helps to warm up the foundation and it makes for a much smoother application. However, it is absolutely necessary that your hands are clean. Foundation, tinted moisturizer and powder should all be regarded as an extension of your skin care. When you apply these products with unclean hands, you’re not doing your skin any favours. When working with liquid makeup avoid tipping the bottle over on to your finger to get the product out. When you do this with a dirty finger you contaminate your entire bottle of makeup and by continuously doing so you are just inviting more and more bacteria to take up residence in your makeup…gross.

What I am asking is that please, if it is absolutely necessary that you apply your foundation while riding the TTC use a foundation brush or a sponge. At least that way you’re not spreading germs all over your face. And don’t worry about the strange looks, they will only be coming from the same people that were giving them to you while you were applying your makeup with your fingers, but this way your skin doesn’t have to suffer.

I also URGE you to please take caution when applying eyeliner and mascara while in transit. Wait until the bus, subway, streetcar or whatever is stopped, then complete your application. Smokey eyes and long lashes are just not worth poking your eye out over!freaky friday movie download

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