Social Heroes: Urban Ex

By Mikhail Saavedra


“Social Heroes” is Alternavox Magazine’s attempt to bring forth those in our communities that are making a genuine difference in the lives of others. Among others: Social workers, social activists, exceptional volunteers, NGO’s and truly all those that take that extra step to give of themselves. Ultimately it is that unique breed of people that make it worth living in a big metropolis.

Our very first “Social Heroes” choice is none other than the incredibly unique and creative outfit “Urban Ex”. I must admit that when I first met them I was so overwhelmed with the scope of their idea that it took me some time to make sense of it all, but the more I heard the more I convinced myself that they are up to something of genuine consequence and a unique way to open all of our eyes to issues of social justice and how we see ourselves in relation to our social environments.

While many organizations focus on the structural causes of social issues, and rightfully so, I have a feeling that Urban Ex is also very much interested in the human interaction aspect of it all, which makes them quite unique.

The core of Urban Ex comes from two very charming individuals, Em Johnson (Founder/Director) and Alan Waugh (Associate Director) who are the faces and hearts of UrbanEx. This is what they have to say:

Well Em and Alan, just how can the community as a whole can we change the world?

We feel that if each individual were to stop and ask themselves, “What needs to change about the heart of me that would bring about a change in the heart of others?”… for a better community, a better world, but more importantly for the love of the one fellow human journeying beside us in our everyday lives…this would radically transform our world from the inside out.

How does UrbanEx address that question?img_1037-large

Our main focus is on offering what we call Excursions. These are an arts, cultures, and social justice experience. Teams of youth, university students, adults, social agencies, media, corporate executives, artists, etc. come from all over the world to Toronto to experience a week in other people’s shoes. These can be booked for lengths of 4 days up to 2 weeks long; team sizes can range from 6 to 20 people.

What’s unique about an Urban Excursion?

Amidst a world full of people, somehow many, from the bank executive to the homeless man, are dying from loneliness, isolation, and lack of identity. We all need to be re-sensitized, aware, and active to offer what we can when we see the moment of need (or what we call “moment of truth”). Excursions create space for people to live and process life intentionally, to see themselves for who they are, and to see others as the unique and beautiful people they are.

Through intense hands-on experiences individuals learn to embrace adversity, examine their character, and face many of their fears and prejudices. Participants are transformed to go back a more loving and more engaged member of their own communities, understanding themselves and others and how those beautifully intertwine.

dsc_71731What does UrbanEx do when not running Excursions?
We are advocates for individuals we meet during our own daily “moments of truth”. We also network agencies, corporations, and individuals together to foster a more efficient and effective community network, one in which no one falls through the cracks…and the invisible are not only seen but embraced.

We also conduct speaking and mobilization seminars, presentations, and training exercises to businesses, agencies, schools, and churches.

How are you funded?

We depend on people who value what we do to enable what we do. The costs of the Excursions have no effect on our operating budget, in other words…we’re not paid to lead the Excursions. We believe in order to teach what we teach…we must live what we teach, thus protecting the integrity of the business and the life transformations that take place. So our operating budget is funded through individual/corporate donors, foundations, and yearly fundraising events. People can donate online through our website via PayPal at

How could we book Excursions or a speaking engagements?

Contact us at for more info or to request a quote.



  1. Steve De Quintal says:

    Truly amazing individuals, keep up the great work!

  2. Julia Browne says:

    I’ve had a long conversation with Em and Alan and can’t help feeling amazement at the work they’ve taken on and how they bring many souls together to make this corner of the world better for all involved.
    Keep pushing!

  3. laura says:

    Hiya from Greece! I have found your html page on msn. Handful content!

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