Belly Dancing With Chemagne

By Natalie Poutari

As an active Egyptian girl, belly dancing is practically second nature to me.

I began the self learning process at nine years old because it dominated Egypt’s social scene. I’ve been living in Toronto for six years now and what I really like is the presence of my heritage, which is a result of intercultural harmony. I am currently taking advanced belly dance lessons at Chemagne Dance.

I’m not about to give you a history lesson on belly dancing, but without a doubt it should bring to mind the following words; Middle Eastern, universal, traditional, seductive, artistic, fitness, Shakira…you get the idea.chemagnedance_03

The traditional purpose and aesthetic of belly dancing is undeniably seductive. Its origins are debatable, but ask any Egyptian and guess what they would tell you! As a result of its international growth, fostered by world fairs in the late 19th century, this once Middle Eastern folk dance has ascended in popularity to the extent that it is now globally adoptable in diverse forms. With consistent dedication and effort, anyone can learn it if they set their heart into it. I get gasps when I say the two magic words, which shows the amount of respect people have for it. And this is despite the fact that you don’t have to start at a very young age to master it!

Many girls tell me how much they want to take lessons, as it would boost their confidence while concurrently toning muscles. But it is important to feel like you are not invisible in class. After all, learning is about much more than the gift of knowledge. That being said, I had to be very selective in my search for advance training. This is how I came to discover Chemagne. As I read Chemagne’s background and watched the promo videos on her website (at it struck me – belly dancing is a community friendly way of staying fit, feeling empowered, and learning a relatively challenging traditional skill. Moreover, I realized that because this art form can fit into almost any genre, it is easy to add your own touch to it!chemagnedance_09

Chemagne demonstrates this possibility with a unique and effective approach. First of all, every individual is connected with her on a comforting, if not personal, level. It also makes a difference that her institution is named after herself and that she is the only instructor. Unlike any other belly dance choreography I’ve seen, she incorporates the following styles in her belly dance classes; African, Latin, and Indian dance, jazz, yoga, and Pilates! As for her effectiveness in teaching, I leave every lesson feeling more fit, skilled, confident, and balanced. It is these elements that constitute the amazing benefits of learning how to belly dance.

Try it!

1 comment

  1. moon says:

    I took belly dancing classes for 3 years and loved every minute of it. In addition to being a great workout, a boost to my self confidence and fun, i loved how sensual belly dancing made me feel and how proud it made me of my body.

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