Yet Another Stalemate?

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Stephen Harper
Stephen Harper

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By Mikhail Saavedra

Another year has wrapped up and no fundamentals have truly changed. The Conservatives have sent everyone packing using a constitutional trick, afraid to face the combined might of the opposition. However, Harper did not just merely head back to Alberta, his very effective media machine had within minutes, with the tacit agreement of most media outlets, pushed the manipulative idea that the coalition was illegal, unfair and undemocratic.

The powerful Conservative media spin machine would have us believe that the present governmental crisis was due to intrigues cooked up on the Opposition benches, but a look at the facts leading up to this debacle insinuate that the Tories own arrogance and aggressiveness, not some evil conspiracy was the trigger for the crisis, not to mention the fact that according to the government we were doing just fine while the economic crisis was deepening. Let us not kid ourselves; the mini budget that Flaherty put forth was nothing if not an excuse to sell off public assets to its corporate buddies. Add to that the attacks on pay equity for women among a host of backward measures.

Stephen Harper saw what once seemed a commanding lead , evaporate when in spite of a tight campaign he stroked the fires of reactionary thinking by picking on arts funding, a badly timed move as it mobilized sentiment in the urban areas and Quebec in particular, where people can see literally how the arts not only enhance and improve the urban landscape but also the local economy. That alone should be a good indicator of how Harper works to single out specific groups in a divide and conquer strategy.

The Conservatives arrogant overconfidence has given way to a more pious approach, if it were only believable! What is beyond question is Canada’s majority clearly leans towards more progressive options and opinions. It is important that all progressive forces look towards a more unified approach to finally allow a progressive Canada to move forward. If all this drama means a coalition or not very soon we will all find out, as we patiently wait for the throne speech.

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