You Can’t Take It With You


By Forest Lightbody

Pondering the state of the new economic demise, and keeping within my usual fantasy themes of zombies and/or apocalyptic adventures, I decided to go watch a free movie at Innis Town Hall. Tonight is the advance screening of Pontypool

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, directed by Bruce McDonald (Hard Core Logo), and based on the Canadian award winning author Tony Burgess novel Pontypool Changes Everything.

With my refilled bottle of water and a thermos of coffee, I walk up the heavily littered streets of Toronto. There, like on other days during rush hour, I find a discarded transfer on the walk to the subway. I will use it to enter the subway along with the others scurrying to get home from work. It reminds me of the days when I had to work.

I can still remember sitting at my desk trying to balance out my monthly budget, thinking, “If I make $2,000 a month, I wonder what my boss must be making off of me?”  There are a lot of rich selfish people out there, and greed is one of the things it takes to get ahead. It became increasingly stressful to try and rationalize why I was there. I once had a 9 to 5 job that I lost due to downsizing. On my way home from my last day of work, I had already decided that this would be the end of working for someone else.

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Taking two years off was something that I greatly needed. It was the beginning of a new lifestyle for me. I eliminated all-night parties, began preparing food at home, walked to get to various locations – these were all the things I thought I needed to do to cutback on my budget and still be involved. I volunteered many hours, giving a lot of time and effort into community groups, festivals and friends’ projects that I believed in.

After the two years of fun were up, I was left with a feeling of freedom and independence that I had expected and planned for. What I did not factor in was the fact that there is not much money to be made in helping out and volunteering. Undercutting myself and over spending what little I did make after covering rent confirmed that it isn’t much fun watching people around you become more successful in their projects due to your hard work. Those years taught me how to survive with no money, and that there are many events in the city where you can watch films, go to concerts and even eat, all for free. I was almost at the point where I considered the validity of my not working for anyone a phase. Most of all I learned that there are plenty of ways where I can make money from my talents, instead of allowing someone else to.

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What I had forgotten to do was to make a five year plan of action, which was the very thing that I had so many times neglected advice about. What I needed was a list of realistic and attainable goals, a plan on how to achieve them, no matter how crazy they seemed. Two years have almost passed of that five year plan, and I have finally gotten to the point where I have credit in the straight world, credit that I am not using to get back into debt and start the vicious circle all over again.

Lately, I am getting numerous phone calls and emails from friends who ask what they are going to do now that they have lost their jobs. I will tell you what I tell them – make your own five year plan, don’t invest in the stock market or banks. Instead, invest in yourself and whatever it takes to achieve the goals that make you feel happy. This is something I guarantee you can take to the grave.

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