Dogs, Dander, Allergies & Asthma

They may look cute and cuddly or be touted as man’s best friend, but for allergy suffers dogs and cats are some of their worst enemies – especially during allergy season. The reason for this is that the animals who’s fur is not the cause of the allergy are releasing dander (microscopic dead skin cells) which become airborne and occupy every room your pet enters. What makes it worst is when you allow your pet to enter every single room in the house, with their wagging tails the dander is catapulted into the air and sits there floating waiting to activate your allergies.

In addition to pet allergies researchers have found that hay fever (known as seasonal allergic rhinitis) with typical symptoms including — sneezing, itching, stuffy nose and watery eyes — can make sufferers miserable. Hay fever sufferers who also are allergic to cats, dogs or dust mites develop symptoms faster and (early on) more severely, suggests the report found in a 2010 study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). Persons who tested positive for dog, cat and dust mite allergies developed symptoms faster than and more severe than those who tested negative for those allergies said allergist Anne K. Ellis, MD, lead author of the study and an ACAAI member.

In a more recent study in 2011 scientist at the University of Nottingham are hoping to develop treatments for those who are at the mercy of pet dander. The University’s School of Molecular Medical Sciences, identified a cell component which plays a key role in triggering allergic responses to cat dander. This discovery allows scientist and researchers to better understand the body’s immune response to allergens, which could lead to advances in new treatments. Senior researcher Dr Amir Ghaem-Maghami said: “There has been a sharp increase in the prevalence of allergies over the past few decades and allergic asthma among children has reached epidemic proportions in many industrialized countries, including the UK. While the UK is ranked at #3 with regard to mortality (death) rates connected with respiratory disease the US is rated at #5 and Canada rated #9 with countries such as France and Finland rate #16 and #17 respectively finding themselves with less incidence of mortality. The number of people who die from Asthma has doubled in the last 10 years and 250 000 people die prematurely around the world. An estimated 2.7 million Canadians over the age of four have asthma.

The report goes on to state that children with asthma are 40% more likely to be allergic to pet allergens. For more advance treatments, a better understanding of the immune systems and it’s function with regards to allergens is needed. Asthma UK’s partnership and funding helped to facilitate the University of Nottingham’s research.

Allergy: is a disorder caused by the body’s immune system reacting to usually harmless substances found in the environment, known as allergens. Believing itself under attack, the immune system produces a molecule called IgE, which eventually leads to release of further chemicals (including histamine) by certain immune cells which together cause an inflammatory response and the classic symptoms of allergy — itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and wheezing.

Treatments to Prevent Pet Allergens: Create pet free zones in your home, vacuum carpets frequently, avoid allowing your pets on fabric furniture, purchase air purifiers, wash your dog two times a week using dander control shampoos and shampoos with moisturizer to prevent drying of the skin, brush your dog daily outside using a slicker brush,  add omega-3 and salmon oil to your dog’s diet.

Asthma: is a chronic inflammatory and respiratory disease caused by an abnormal reactivity to allergens in the environment. Symptoms may include coughing, wheezing, breathlessness and tightness in the chest. Asthma may be worsened by exercise and respiratory infections, and exposure to allergens, air pollution and cold air. (Note: Some Asthma attacks may become fatal.)

They’re two main treatments for asthma:

  • preventer” medications to decrease the swelling in airways and help prevent asthma episodes. These medicines are inhaled through a device called a “puffer” or inhaler.-Fluticasone propionate metered dose inhaler commonly used for long term control.
  • “reliever” medications. These are used during an asthma episode or attack to reduce symptoms quickly.- Salbutamol metered dose inhaler commonly used to treat asthma attacks.

In addition they are some measures one can take to affect the incidence of allergic reactions and asthma attacks: investing in an air purifiers, reducing your pet’s access to certain rooms helps to reduce dander filled with airborne allergens, purchasing over the counter medications that have active antihistamines which helps to address and reverse the reaction of receptors in your nose and throat which causes the tissue in your nose to swell, eyes to run and itch.  Some over the counter medications include, Allegra, Benylin, Zyrtec and Claritin.


Health Canada: Asthma

For Mortality Ranking See Here 

About AuthorKhamal Murray is a major in Bioethics & Heath Studies at the University of Toronto and a blogger/writer with and a special contributor with Alternavox Magazine

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