Pin-Up – The Lost Art of Seduction

By Jennifer Finjan

Photo courtesy of Frank Fiumara

Photo courtesy of Frank Fiumara

Pin-Up is more than an art form – it is a way of life.  A Pin-Up girl was best described as the girl who lived next to the girl next door.  

She was unique and shrouded in mystery, leaving everyone around her wanting more.  She instinctively and effortlessly knew how to win (and inadvertently break) the hearts of men with a simple bat of her eyelashes, a mischievous smile, or twist of a voluptuous hip.  A Pin-Up girl took the time and made the effort to look good and it showed from her hair to her toes.  She knew that leaving a little to the imagination went along way.  Sadly, this is something today’s women struggle to achieve and maintain.

Although modern women have made huge strides in many areas of their lives, they seem to have fallen by the wayside or more like backside when it comes to their own sensuality and seductive power.   Women today are led to believe that sex appeal can be achieved through pole dancing, skin exposure, plastic smiles, first moves, booty-calls, and bumping and grinding to club classics like “She’s a Ho”.  Sure, these women may gain some attention but is it really the attention they want from those who deserve it and will it last?  These types of connections are all too often short and not too sweet.

Playful flirtation of years gone by has been replaced by today’s in-your-face sexuality.  It seems there are only two options when relating to men these days: overly aggressive neediness or a complete standoffishness approach.   It is a sad state of affairs, if you ask me.

All this causes one to reminisce of a time when woman were longed-for and admired for their female presence.  These women had a talent for drawing men in like a spider to its lair, and staying on the minds and in the hearts of their lovers long after she says goodbye.   The art of seduction and flirtation were enjoyed by all, especially men.  No one got hurt in the process and everyone took pleasure in the innocent fun.

Pin-Up girls first took centre stage from the 1920’s until the 1960’s. They were natural beauties who represented the “ultimate woman.”  Their pictures were featured in men’s dreams and lockers all over the world.  These women and their flirtatious poses gave soldiers something to fantasize and dream about during their otherwise all-male violent surroundings.  Army Air Corps pilots created “nose art” on the outside of their cockpit on their fighter, bomber and cargo planes.  Beautifully painted Pin-Up girls were often the depictions of choice.

During this time, female stars in Hollywood had aspirations of becoming a popular Pin-Up, realizing it was an important step in becoming a movie star.  There are countless famous Pin-Up girls from that time, but a few of the more popular were Bunny Yeager and Bettie Page. Pin-Up art reached its peak during World War II, and art experts say that it will never quite be the same again.  Unfortunately, Pin-Up art was replaced by more pornographic photography.  There was a hunger for more and sadly, it was just given away (sound familiar?).

Do not despair, we all have a Pin-Up girl inside us, but many of us don’t have the confidence or know how to let it shine through.  When it comes to clothing, more is always better.  It just isn’t sexy to be running around with your breasts exposed, and your buttocks hanging out.  It is best to enhance one lovely girl part at a time.  Nothing is sexier than a hint of hidden tattoo or a sneak peek of a stocking when a girl crosses her legs.

Still not quite sure where to start?  May I recommend Frank Fiumara to your rescue? Frank can help the modern women evoke their inner Pin-Up.

Frank is a talented local freelance photographer (and a swell guy, might I add) with years of experience in music and model photography. Frank has a special interest in Pi- Up and Tattoo art and owns and operates Arsenic Addiction Photography with his lovely partner, Amanda.  He is also the Pin-Up Photography Gallery Moderator for deviantArt .  Frank recognized the need for more artistic Pin-Up photography in a sea of crass pornography. Because of this, Frank spearheaded an exciting new project in Toronto called The Pin-Up Parlour, just in the nick of time if you ask me.

Frank along with Larissa Palaszczuk, hair and makeup extraordinaire, are transforming women into the Pin-Up girls of their dreams (and in the dreams of their boyfriends, husbands, and lovers, might I add).  There is also a full array of wardrobe options to choose from for your special photo shoot.  In addition to your Pin-Up transformation, photos and DVD keepsakes, you also receive a gift certificate to Doll Factory by Damzels.  After an extremely successful launch, future Pin-Up Parlour sessions are set from May to August in Toronto at the beautiful and sexy Gladstone Hotel. Contact Frank at to book your own Pin-Up Parlour transformation.  Act fast since April and May sessions are already full.  There are a few spots left on June 19 and 20, July 17 and 18, Aug 14 and 18.  To hold over Pin-Up girls in waiting, Frank has been kind enough to create an alphabetical listing on how to find your inner Pin-Up girl in the ABC’s of Pin Up . According to Frank, it starts with attitude – if you feel sensual and confident on the inside, you will be able to pull it off on the outside.  Clothing is also essential to your success, says Frank.  Think pencil skirts, bullet bras and two tone shoes. And remember, Pin-Up is impossible without some good old fashion sex appeal – coy innocence will be sure to draw them in.

So Pin-Up girls, the time has come to pull up your stockings, button up your blouse, and get on top or bottom of your game.


  1. Thanks Jennifer for a great article. It was a pleasure meeting with you. To add to the dates we’re available, though we’ve just announced a special session in Niagara falls on June 12/13. for more info people can check out:


  2. Patricia says:

    yet another great and informative stories. We all (work buddies)enjoy reading your stories and can’t wait for more.Making us take an interest in in things we really had not thought about . Thanks keep up the good work .

  3. James says:

    Hello Ms. Finjan.

    Very interesting article, it was an enjoyable read.
    A certain girl in dreadlocks introduced me to this article and this website. I am quite impressed with it all around.

    All the best :)

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