World Notes: Presidents Arrive To Say Final Goodbye to Hugo Chavez – New UN Sanctions Against North Korea – Comet May Hit Mars

South American Presidents in Venezuela to Attend Chavez Funeral

Presidents from Bolivia (Evo Morales), Argentina (Cristina Fernandez) and Uruguay (Jose Mujica) arrived here today to attend the funeral of Venezuelan head of state, Hugo Chavez, who died on Tuesday afternoon in the Doctor Carlos Arvelo Military Hospital.

Morales offered his sincere condolences to Chavez’ relatives, friends, the Venezuelan government and its people for the death of their leader.

“We come to Venezuela on behalf of the Bolivian people to join this country as it passes through a very difficult time due to the loss of the friend Chavez was,” noted Morales.

“Sadly, we have lost a leader, but, for us, he will always be the Commander of the liberating forces of Latin America,” emphasized Morales.

Also in Caracas are the presidents Cristina Fernandez (Argentina) and Jose Mujica (Uruguay) who arrived very early to pay tribute to Chavez.

Both heads of state travelled in the presidential plane of the Argentinean dignitary.

UN Security Council Debates New Sanctions Against North Corea

The United Nations Security Council started debating a draft resolution promoted by United States as to impose new sanctions against the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.

A draft U.S. resolution to authorize more sanctions against North Korea in response to its nuclear test was formally introduced Tuesday at the U.N. Security Council by U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice.

The draft contains measures against north korean diplomatic personel, sanctions against banks and travel restrictions to north korean personalities and officials.

The draft should be approved next thursday according to Susan Rice.

Comet May Slam into Mars

It’s likely that comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) will whizz past Mars on October 29, 2014.

Scientists have gauged its trajectory as missing the planet by about 50,000 km from the surface of the planet.

But if it hit Mars the impact would be so large because not only is the comet huge (the core nucleus could range from 15 to 50 km wide), but it’s travelling at fantastic speeds, nearing 55 km per second according to NASA.

The experts are monitoring the trajectory and assesing the posibility of impact.

Russian experts doing a rough calculation, get an explosive yield of roughly 20 billion megatons and the crater will be 500 kilometers wide. Siding Spring comes from a distant cloud called Oort in the Milky Way and has done a journey of one million years according to researchers.It could be seen with telescopes from the southern hemisphere of Earth from next september on.The comet was discovered on the 3 of january by astronomer Rob McNaught from australian observatory of Siding Spring

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