Scientists Warn on Climate Change in the Mediterranean

mediterranean_PollutionLife in Mediterranean cities will become increasingly difficult due to rising temperatures, warned today scientists and researchers gathered in this capital (Athens, Greece) at an international conference on climate change.

The meeting, that ends today, sought to analyze the effects of this phenomenon in the Mediterranean area and develop appropriate strategies of adaptation, in “one of the most vulnerable regions and fragile stability”, according to researcher Jristos Vasilakos.

Experts predicted a future with more heat, less rain, more frequent extreme weather events, an increase of forest fires and a likely increase in the level of the Mediterranean Sea, and a severity that will depend on the policies to be carried out in the coming years.

In addition, a study by the Institute of Environmental Research, under the National Observatory of Athens, presented at the conference also showed an increase of ozone pollution in the future and in mortality due to strong heat waves will become more frequent.

The professor of the University of Athens, Jristos Zerefos stressed that the level of the Mediterranean Sea rises on average two millimeters per year, which means 20 centimeters in a century.

Meanwhile, the German scientist Thomas Stocker, University of Bern, predicted an increase in calls for climate migrants, because “many Africans will be forced to move to Europe, due to drought and difficulties for their survival.” (PL)

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